• There are NO exchanges or refunds. Since tickets are not printed in advance, the Box Office has no way to exchange or refund tickets. If you need to go a different night you will need to buy additional tickets.
  • Tickets purchased at the door on the night of performance will cost an additional $2 a ticket (to cover per ticket convenience fees we are charged)
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Pella Christian High School
Murder's In The Heir

by Billy St. John

PCHS’s final show of the season is an audience participation mystery comedy, Murder’s in the Heir. The entertaining comedy, like the game Clue, gives almost every character a weapon, an opportunity, and a motive to commit the unseen murder--and the audience’s ballots at intermission will determine what ending the cast will perform. Billy St. John’s hilarious script includes a cast of an assorted share of family, servants, and professionals, including a detective who leads the witnesses in a number of flashbacks in the second act. It’s not surprising when each roam the old mansion carrying such items as an ax, a wrench, or a gun and, of course, the lights go out. Who dun it? You decide!

March 22 & 23, 2019
Pella Christian High School
Vermeer Auditorium
300 Eagle Lane
Pella, IA 50219
Sale Closed: 3/24/19 at 12:00 am